
This page will document the implementation of the BusSlaveFactory tool and one of those variant. You can get more information about the functionality of that tool there.


The class diagram is the following :

The BusSlaveFactory abstract class define minimum requirements that each implementation of it should provide :

Name Description
busDataWidth Return the data width of the bus
read(that,address,bitOffset) When the bus read the address, fill the response with that at bitOffset
write(that,address,bitOffset) When the bus write the address, assign that with bus’s data from bitOffset
onWrite(address)(doThat) Call doThat when a write transaction occur on address
onRead(address)(doThat) Call doThat when a read transaction occur on address
nonStopWrite(that,bitOffset) Permanently assign that by the bus write data from bitOffset

By using them the BusSlaveFactory should also be able to provide many utilities :

Name Return Description
readAndWrite(that,address,bitOffset) - Make that readable and writable at address and placed at bitOffset in the word
readMultiWord(that,address) - Create the memory mapping to read that from ‘address’.
If that is bigger than one word it extends the register on followings addresses
writeMultiWord(that,address) - Create the memory mapping to write that at ‘address’.
If that is bigger than one word it extends the register on followings addresses
createWriteOnly(dataType,address,bitOffset) T Create a write only register of type dataType at address and placed at bitOffset in the word
createReadWrite(dataType,address,bitOffset) T Create a read write register of type dataType at address and placed at bitOffset in the word
createAndDriveFlow(dataType,address,bitOffset) Flow[T] Create a writable Flow register of type dataType at address and placed at bitOffset in the word
drive(that,address,bitOffset) - Drive that with a register writable at address placed at bitOffset in the word
driveAndRead(that,address,bitOffset) - Drive that with a register writable and readable at address placed at bitOffset in the word
driveFlow(that,address,bitOffset) - Emit on that a transaction when a write happen at address by using data placed at bitOffset in the word
- Read that and consume the transaction when a read happen at address.
valid     <= validBitOffset bit
payload <= payloadBitOffset+widthOf(payload) downto payloadBitOffset
- Instanciate an internal register which at each cycle do :
reg := reg | that
Then when a read occur, the register is cleared. This register is readable at address and placed at bitOffset in the word

About BusSlaveFactoryDelayed, it’s still an abstract class, but it capture each primitives (BusSlaveFactoryElement) calls into a data-model. This datamodel is one list that contain all primitives, but also a HashMap that link each address used to a list of primitives that are using it. Then when they all are collected (at the end of the current component), it do a callback that should be implemented by classes that extends it. The implementation of this callback should implement the hardware corresponding to all primitives collected.



Let’s describe primitives abstract function :

trait BusSlaveFactory  extends Area{

  def busDataWidth : Int

  def read(that : Data,
           address : BigInt,
           bitOffset : Int = 0) : Unit

  def write(that : Data,
            address : BigInt,
            bitOffset : Int = 0) : Unit

  def onWrite(address : BigInt)(doThat : => Unit) : Unit
  def onRead (address : BigInt)(doThat : => Unit) : Unit

  def nonStopWrite( that : Data,
                    bitOffset : Int = 0) : Unit


Then let’s operate the magic to implement all utile based on them :

trait BusSlaveFactory  extends Area{
  def readAndWrite(that : Data,
                   address: BigInt,
                   bitOffset : Int = 0): Unit = {

  def drive(that : Data,
            address : BigInt,
            bitOffset : Int = 0) : Unit = {
    val reg = Reg(that)
    that := reg

  def driveAndRead(that : Data,
                   address : BigInt,
                   bitOffset : Int = 0) : Unit = {
    val reg = Reg(that)
    that := reg

  def driveFlow[T <: Data](that : Flow[T],
                           address: BigInt,
                           bitOffset : Int = 0) : Unit = {
    that.valid := False
      that.valid := True

  def createReadWrite[T <: Data](dataType: T,
                                 address: BigInt,
                                 bitOffset : Int = 0): T = {
    val reg = Reg(dataType)

  def createAndDriveFlow[T <: Data](dataType : T,
                                 address: BigInt,
                                 bitOffset : Int = 0) : Flow[T] = {
    val flow = Flow(dataType)

  def doBitsAccumulationAndClearOnRead(   that : Bits,
                                          address : BigInt,
                                          bitOffset : Int = 0): Unit = {
    assert(that.getWidth <= busDataWidth)
    val reg = Reg(that)
    reg := reg | that
      reg := that

  def readStreamNonBlocking[T <: Data] (that : Stream[T],
                                        address: BigInt,
                                        validBitOffset : Int,
                                        payloadBitOffset : Int) : Unit = {
    that.ready := False
      that.ready := True
    read(that.valid  ,address,validBitOffset)

  def readMultiWord(that : Data,
                address : BigInt) : Unit  = {
    val wordCount = (widthOf(that) - 1) / busDataWidth + 1
    val valueBits = that.asBits.resize(wordCount*busDataWidth)
    val words = (0 until wordCount).map(id => valueBits(id * busDataWidth , busDataWidth bit))
    for (wordId <- (0 until wordCount)) {
      read(words(wordId), address + wordId*busDataWidth/8)

  def writeMultiWord(that : Data,
                 address : BigInt) : Unit  = {
    val wordCount = (widthOf(that) - 1) / busDataWidth + 1
    for (wordId <- (0 until wordCount)) {
        that = new DataWrapper{
          override def getBitsWidth: Int =
            Math.min(busDataWidth, widthOf(that) - wordId * busDataWidth)

          override def assignFromBits(value : Bits): Unit = {
              bits     = value.resized,
              offset   = wordId * busDataWidth,
              bitCount = getBitsWidth bits)
        },address = address + wordId * busDataWidth / 8,0


Let’s implement classes that will be used to store primitives :

trait BusSlaveFactoryElement

// Ask to make `that` readable when a access is done on `address`.
// bitOffset specify where `that` is placed on the answer
case class BusSlaveFactoryRead(that : Data,
                               address : BigInt,
                               bitOffset : Int) extends BusSlaveFactoryElement

// Ask to make `that` writable when a access is done on `address`.
// bitOffset specify where `that` get bits from the request
case class BusSlaveFactoryWrite(that : Data,
                                address : BigInt,
                                bitOffset : Int) extends BusSlaveFactoryElement

// Ask to execute `doThat` when a write access is done on `address`
case class BusSlaveFactoryOnWrite(address : BigInt,
                                  doThat : () => Unit) extends BusSlaveFactoryElement

// Ask to execute `doThat` when a read access is done on `address`
case class BusSlaveFactoryOnRead( address : BigInt,
                                  doThat : () => Unit) extends BusSlaveFactoryElement

// Ask to constantly drive `that` with the data bus
// bitOffset specify where `that` get bits from the request
case class BusSlaveFactoryNonStopWrite(that : Data,
                                       bitOffset : Int) extends BusSlaveFactoryElement

Then let’s implement the BusSlaveFactoryDelayed itself :

trait BusSlaveFactoryDelayed extends BusSlaveFactory{
  // elements is an array of all BusSlaveFactoryElement requested
  val elements = ArrayBuffer[BusSlaveFactoryElement]()

  // elementsPerAddress is more structured than elements, it group all BusSlaveFactoryElement per requested addresses
  val elementsPerAddress = collection.mutable.HashMap[BigInt,ArrayBuffer[BusSlaveFactoryElement]]()

  private def addAddressableElement(e : BusSlaveFactoryElement,address : BigInt) = {
    elements += e
    elementsPerAddress.getOrElseUpdate(address, ArrayBuffer[BusSlaveFactoryElement]()) += e

  override def read(that : Data,
           address : BigInt,
           bitOffset : Int = 0) : Unit  = {
    assert(bitOffset + that.getBitsWidth <= busDataWidth)

  override def write(that : Data,
            address : BigInt,
            bitOffset : Int = 0) : Unit  = {
    assert(bitOffset + that.getBitsWidth <= busDataWidth)

  def onWrite(address : BigInt)(doThat : => Unit) : Unit = {
    addAddressableElement(BusSlaveFactoryOnWrite(address,() => doThat),address)
  def onRead (address : BigInt)(doThat : => Unit) : Unit = {
    addAddressableElement(BusSlaveFactoryOnRead(address,() => doThat),address)

  def nonStopWrite( that : Data,
                    bitOffset : Int = 0) : Unit = {
    assert(bitOffset + that.getBitsWidth <= busDataWidth)
    elements += BusSlaveFactoryNonStopWrite(that,bitOffset)

  //This is the only thing that should be implement by class that extends BusSlaveFactoryDelayed
  def build() : Unit

  component.addPrePopTask(() => build())


First let’s implement the companion object that provide the compatible AvalonMM configuration object that correspond to the following table :

Pin name Type Description
read Bool High one cycle to produce a read request
write Bool High one cycle to produce a write request
address UInt(addressWidth bits) Byte granularity but word aligned
writeData Bits(dataWidth bits) -
readDataValid Bool High to respond a read command
readData Bool(dataWidth bits) Valid when readDataValid is high
object AvalonMMSlaveFactory{
  def getAvalonConfig( addressWidth : Int,
                       dataWidth : Int) = {
    AvalonMMConfig.pipelined(   //Create a simple pipelined configuration of the Avalon Bus
      addressWidth = addressWidth,
      dataWidth = dataWidth
    ).copy(                    //Change some parameters of the configuration
      useByteEnable = false,
      useWaitRequestn = false

  def apply(bus : AvalonMM) = new AvalonMMSlaveFactory(bus)

Then, let’s implement the AvalonMMSlaveFactory itself.

class AvalonMMSlaveFactory(bus : AvalonMM) extends BusSlaveFactoryDelayed{
  assert(bus.c == AvalonMMSlaveFactory.getAvalonConfig(bus.c.addressWidth,bus.c.dataWidth))

  val readAtCmd = Flow(Bits(bus.c.dataWidth bits))
  val readAtRsp = readAtCmd.stage()

  bus.readDataValid := readAtRsp.valid
  bus.readData := readAtRsp.payload

  readAtCmd.valid :=
  readAtCmd.payload := 0

  override def build(): Unit = {
    for(element <- elements) element match {
      case element : BusSlaveFactoryNonStopWrite =>
        element.that.assignFromBits(bus.writeData(element.bitOffset, element.that.getBitsWidth bits))
      case _ =>

    for((address,jobs) <- elementsPerAddress){
      when(bus.address === address){
          for(element <- jobs) element match{
            case element : BusSlaveFactoryWrite => {
              element.that.assignFromBits(bus.writeData(element.bitOffset, element.that.getBitsWidth bits))
            case element : BusSlaveFactoryOnWrite => element.doThat()
            case _ =>
          for(element <- jobs) element match{
            case element : BusSlaveFactoryRead => {
              readAtCmd.payload(element.bitOffset, element.that.getBitsWidth bits) := element.that.asBits
            case element : BusSlaveFactoryOnRead => element.doThat()
            case _ =>

  override def busDataWidth: Int = bus.c.dataWidth


That’s all, you can check one example that use this Apb3SlaveFactory to create an Apb3UartCtrl` there.

If you want to add the support of a new memory bus, it’s very simple you just need to implement another variation of the BusSlaveFactoryDelayed trait. The Apb3SlaveFactory is probably a good starting point :D
