
The Enumeration type corresponds to a list of named values.


The declaration of an enumerated data type is as follows:

object Enumeration extends SpinalEnum {
  val element0, element1, ..., elementN = newElement()

For the example above, the default encoding is used. Native enumeration type is used for VHDL and a binary encoding is used for Verilog.

The enumeration encoding can be forced by defining the enumeration as follows:

object Enumeration extends SpinalEnum(defaultEncoding=encodingOfYouChoice) {
  val element0, element1, ..., elementN = newElement()


The following enumeration encodings are supported :

Encoding Bit width Description
native - Use the VHDL enumeration system, this is the default encoding
binarySequancial log2Up(stateCount) Use Bits to store states in declaration order (value from 0 to n-1)
binaryOneHot stateCount Use Bits to store state. Each bit correspond to one state

Custom encoding can be performed in two different ways: static or dynamic.

 * Static encoding 
object MyEnumStatic extends SpinalEnum{
  val e0, e1, e2, e3 = new Element()
  defaultEncoding = SpinalEnumEncoding("staticEncoding")(
    e0 -> 0,
    e1 -> 2, 
    e2 -> 3,
    e3 -> 7)

 * Dynamic encoding with the function :  _ * 2 + 1 
 *    e.g : e0 => 0 * 2 + 1 = 1 
 *          e1 => 1 * 2 + 1 = 3
 *          e2 => 2 * 2 + 1 = 5 
 *          e3 => 3 * 2 + 1 = 7 
val encoding = SpinalEnumEncoding("dynamicEncoding", _ * 2 + 1)

object MyEnumDynamic extends SpinalEnum(encoding){
  val e0, e1, e2, e3 = new Element()


Instantiate a enumerated signal and assign a value to it :

object UartCtrlTxState extends SpinalEnum {
  val sIdle, sStart, sData, sParity, sStop = newElement()

val stateNext = UartCtrlTxState()
stateNext := UartCtrlTxState.sIdle

//You can also import the enumeration to have the visibility on its elements
import UartCtrlTxState._
stateNext := sIdle


The following operators are available for the Enumeration type


Operator Description Return type
x === y Equality Bool
x =/= y Inequality Bool
import UartCtrlTxState._

val stateNext = UartCtrlTxState()
stateNext := sIdle

when(stateNext === sStart){





Type cast

Operator Description Return
x.asBits Binary cast in Bits Bits(w(x) bits)
x.asUInt Binary cast in UInt UInt(w(x) bits)
x.asSInt Binary cast in SInt SInt(w(x) bits)
import UartCtrlTxState._

val stateNext = UartCtrlTxState()
myBits := sIdle.asBits 