
The AXI4 is a high bandwidth bus defined by ARM.

Configuration and instanciation

First each time you want to create a AXI4 bus, you will need a configuration object. This configuration object is an Axi4Config and has following arguments :

Note : useXXX specify if the bus has XXX signal present.

Parameter name Type Default
addressWidth Int -
dataWidth Int -
idWidth Int -
userWidth Int -
useId Boolean true
useRegion Boolean true
useBurst Boolean true
useLock Boolean true
useCache Boolean true
useSize Boolean true
useQos Boolean true
useLen Boolean true
useLast Boolean true
useResp Boolean true
useProt Boolean true
useStrb Boolean true
useUser Boolean false

There is in short how the AXI4 bus is defined in the SpinalHDL library :

case class Axi4(config: Axi4Config) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
  val aw = Stream(Axi4Aw(config))
  val w  = Stream(Axi4W(config))
  val b  = Stream(Axi4B(config))
  val ar = Stream(Axi4Ar(config))
  val r  = Stream(Axi4R(config))

  override def asMaster(): Unit = {

There is a short example of usage :

val axiConfig = Axi4Config(
  addressWidth = 32,
  dataWidth    = 32,
  idWidth      = 4
val axiX = Axi4(axiConfig)
val axiY = Axi4(axiConfig)



There is 3 other variation of the Axi4 bus :

Type Description
Axi4ReadOnly Only AR and R channels are present
Axi4WriteOnly Only AW, W and B channels are present
Axi4Shared This variation is a library initiative.
It use 4 channels, W, B ,R and also a new one which is named AWR.
The AWR channel can be used to transmit AR and AW transactions. To dissociate them, a signal write is present.
The advantage of this Axi4Shared variation is to use less area, especialy in the interconnect.

Functions and operators

Name Return Description
X » Y - Connect X to Y. Able infer default values as specified in the AXI4 specification, and also to adapt some width in a safe manner.
X « Y - Do the reverse of the » operator
X.toWriteOnly Axi4WriteOnly Return an Axi4WriteOnly bus drive by X
X.toReadOnly Axi4ReadOnly Return an Axi4ReadOnly bus drive by X