
A timer module is probably one of the most basic pieces of hardware. But even for a timer, there are some interresting things that you can do with SpinalHDL. This example will define a simple timer component which integrates a bus bridging utile.


So let’s start with the Timer component.


The Timer component will have a single construction parameter:

Parameter Name Type Description
width Int Specify the bit width of the timer counter

And also some inputs/outputs:

IO Name Direction Type Description
tick in Bool When tick is True, the timer count up until limit.
clear in Bool When tick is True, the timer is set to zero. clear has priority over tick.
limit in UInt(width bits) When the timer value is equal to limit, the tick input is inhibited.
full out Bool full is high when the timer value is equal to limit and tick is high.
value out UInt(width bits) Wire out the timer counter value.


case class Timer(width : Int) extends Component{
  val io = new Bundle{
    val tick      = in Bool
    val clear     = in Bool
    val limit     = in UInt(width bits)

    val full  = out Bool
    val value     = out UInt(width bits)

  val counter = Reg(UInt(width bits))
  when(io.tick && !io.full){
    counter := counter + 1
    counter := 0

  io.full := counter === io.limit && io.tick
  io.value := counter

Bridging function

Now we can start with the main purpose of this example: defining a bus bridging function. To do that we will use two techniques:

  • Using the BusSlaveFactory tool documented here
  • Defining a function inside the Timer component which can be called from the parent component to drive the Timer’s IO in an abstract way.


This bridging function will take the following parameters:

Parameter Name Type Description
busCtrl BusSlaveFactory The BusSlaveFactory instance that will be used by the function to create the bridging logic.
baseAddress BigInt The base address where the bridging logic should be mapped.
ticks Seq[Bool] A list of Bool sources that can be used as a tick signal.
clears Seq[Bool] A list of Bool sources that can be used as a clear signal.

The register mapping assumes that the bus system is 32 bits wide:

Name Access Width Address offset Bit offset Description
ticksEnable RW len(ticks) 0 0 Each ticks bool can be actived if the corresponding ticksEnable bit is high.
clearsEnable RW len(clears) 0 16 Each clears bool can be actived if the corresponding clearsEnable bit is high.
limit RW width 4 0 Access the limit value of the timer component.
When this register is written to, the timer is cleared.
value R width 8 0 Access the value of the timer.
clear W - 8 - When this register is written to, it clears the timer.


Let’s add this bridging function inside the Timer component.

case class Timer(width : Int) extends Component{
  val io = new Bundle{
    val tick      = in Bool
    val clear     = in Bool
    val limit     = in UInt(width bits)

    val full  = out Bool
    val value     = out UInt(width bits)

  // Logic previously defined
  // ....

  // The function prototype uses Scala currying funcName(arg1,arg2)(arg3,arg3)
  // which allow to call the function with a nice syntax later
  // This function also returns an area, which allows to keep names of inner signals in the generated VHDL/Verilog.
  def driveFrom(busCtrl : BusSlaveFactory,baseAddress : BigInt)(ticks : Seq[Bool],clears : Seq[Bool]) = new Area {
    //Address 0 => clear/tick masks + bus
    val ticksEnable  = busCtrl.createReadWrite(Bits(ticks.length bits),baseAddress + 0,0) init(0)
    val clearsEnable = busCtrl.createReadWrite(Bits(clears.length bits),baseAddress + 0,16) init(0)
    val busClearing  = False

    io.clear := (clearsEnable & clears.asBits).orR | busClearing
    io.tick  := (ticksEnable  & ticks.asBits ).orR

    //Address 4 => read/write limit (+ auto clear)
    busCtrl.driveAndRead(io.limit,baseAddress + 4)
    busClearing setWhen(busCtrl.isWriting(baseAddress + 4))

    //Address 8 => read timer value / write => clear timer value,baseAddress + 8)
    busClearing setWhen(busCtrl.isWriting(baseAddress + 8))


Here is some demonstration code which is very close to the one used in the Pinsec SoC timer module. Basically it instantiates following elements:

  • One 16 bit prescaler
  • One 32 bit timer
  • Three 16 bit timers

Then by using an Apb3SlaveFactory and functions defined inside the Timers, it creates bridging logic between the APB3 bus and all instantiated components.

val io = new Bundle{
  val apb = Apb3(ApbConfig(addressWidth = 8, dataWidth = 32))
  val interrupt = in Bool
  val external = new Bundle{
    val tick  = Bool
    val clear = Bool

//Prescaler is very similar to the timer, it mainly integrates a piece of auto reload logic.
val prescaler = Prescaler(width = 16)

val timerA = Timer(width = 32)
val timerB,timerC,timerD = Timer(width = 16)

val busCtrl = Apb3SlaveFactory(io.apb)
val prescalerBridge = prescaler.driveFrom(busCtrl,0x00)

val timerABridge = timerA.driveFrom(busCtrl,0x40)(
  // The first element is True, which allows you to have a mode where the timer is always counting up.
  ticks  = List(True,,
  // By looping the timer full to the clears, it allows you to create an autoreload mode.
  clears = List(

val timerBBridge = timerB.driveFrom(busCtrl,0x50)(
  //The external.tick could allow to create an impulsion counter mode
  ticks  = List(True,, io.external.tick),
  //external.clear could allow to create an timeout mode.
  clears = List(, io.external.clear)

val timerCBridge = timerC.driveFrom(busCtrl,0x60)(
  ticks  = List(True,, io.external.tick),
  clears = List(, io.external.clear)

val timerDBridge = timerD.driveFrom(busCtrl,0x70)(
  ticks  = List(True,, io.external.tick),
  clears = List(, io.external.clear)

val interruptCtrl = InterruptCtrl(4)
val interruptCtrlBridge = interruptCtrl.driveFrom(busCtrl,0x10) := := := :=
io.interrupt :=