First let’s define a Color Bundle with an addition operator.

  case class Color(channelWidth: Int) extends Bundle {
    val r = UInt(channelWidth bits)
    val g = UInt(channelWidth bits)
    val b = UInt(channelWidth bits)

    def +(that: Color): Color = {
      val result = Color(channelWidth)
      result.r := this.r + that.r
      result.g := this.g + that.g
      result.b := this.b + that.b
      return result

    def clear(): Color ={
      this.r := 0
      this.g := 0
      this.b := 0

Then let’s define a component with a sources input which is a vector of colors, and a result output which is the sum of the sources input.

  class ColorSumming(sourceCount: Int, channelWidth: Int) extends Component {
    val io = new Bundle {
      val sources = in Vec(Color(channelWidth), sourceCount)
      val result = out(Color(channelWidth))

    var sum = Color(channelWidth)
    for (i <- 0 to sourceCount - 1) {
      sum \= sum + io.sources(i)
    io.result := sum