The SpinalHDL compile will perform many checks on your design to be sure that the generated VHDL/Verilog will be safe for simulation and synthesis. Basicaly, it should not be possible to generate a broken VHDL/Verilog. There is a none exaustive list of SpinalHDL checks :
- Assignement overlaping
- Clock crossing
- Hiearchy violation
- Combinatorial loops
- Latches
- Undrived signals
- Width missmatch
- Unreachable switch statements
On each SpinalHDL error report, you will find a stack trace which is realy usefull to accuratly findout where is the design error. It could look overkill in a first look, but as soon you start to go futher the traditional way of doing hardware description, it is realy a helpfull tool.